Press & photos 2024

For Left of the Dial 2024 photos click here (please always use photo credits).

The Skinny ‘Rotterdam’s Left of the Dial isn’t like other festivals. The organisers come at it with a unique vision, and the artists who make up its lineup are its beating heart . . . We had a truly magnificent time at Left of the Dial. It was refreshing, energising and eye-opening as to what a showcase festival can be.’
Clash Magazine ‘Almost every act on the bill displays a progressive, genre-fluid sound and experiencing it in such concentrated doses, in a city as likewise forward-thinking as Rotterdam, is enough to remind you that alternative rock music still has myriad new and exciting corners left to explore.’
The Line of Best Fit ‘In an industry of speed meetings and shmoozing, Rotterdam’s Left of the Dial is a showcase festival withs its priorities in check . . . Left of the Dial is a European showcase festival without the biz-baggage and fatigue of many of its peers, in turn affording them a refreshed sense of discovery and genuine fun.’
Beats Per Minute ‘Throughout its steady growth, Left of the Dial has maintained its status as a remarkably artist friendly event . . . Even better is the sheer density of artists that bring something compelling and/or exciting to the table.’
Sound of Violence ‘Perhaps the best emerging music festival in Europe’
Under the Radar Mag ‘Left of the Dial lives up to its leftfield reputation, summarising Rotterdam’s bold spirit and providing a seemingly endless roster of essential artists you need to know. By placing the emphasis on a constant stream of next-gen names bound for big things rather than relying on major names or obvious headlines, revellers can enjoy a non-stop high-quality experience.’
WhyNow ‘There’s buckets of fun and unconventional frolics to be had at Left of the Dial, but the onus is firmly on showcasing new alternative artists you need to know, or will be kicking yourself that you didn’t know sooner . . . Left of the Dial has rightly earned its place on the annual calendar due to its emphasis on exceptional new music.’
Tsugi ‘Are you going to Left of the Dial? Oh! (laughs) We were invited twice, you’re going to have a blast!’ Chalk’s bassist told us, while another member of the Irish band proudly showed off the festival’s t-shirt’
3voor12 ‘het is onbeperkt ontdekken in Rotterdam, ieder jaar weer’
Dansende Beren day 1, day 2, day 3 ‘Het stadsfestival gaat dit jaar zijn zesde editie in en groeide door de jaren heen uit tot het vaste adres voor iedereen die nieuwsgierig is naar nieuwe bands, maar zich evengoed wil vergapen aan gelauwerde nicheartiesten.
Add To Wantlist ‘The programmers of Left of the Dial deserve all the praise for this year’s lineup, which caused us quite a bit of choice stress.’
Musikabend German radio show with a special on the festival
Boogaloo Radio London Radio show taking over Rotterdam’s Operator Radio for Left of the Dial.
Alvin Row TikTok interviews with artists.
Musiczine ‘Het is duidelijk dat de organisatoren een goed oog en oor hebben voor opkomend talent.’
Konzerttagebuch‘It’s just fun to see bands on their first live steps. Many will make the jump to other festivals in 2025.’
Luminous Dash ‘Van 17 tot 19 oktober was Rotterdam opnieuw de zaligmakende verzamelplek voor de muzikale toekomst . . . een chaotisch maar onovertroffen showcasefestival met zowat 130 bands die 2, 3 of 4 keer zouden optreden gespreid over een 25-tal podia.’
Muziscene ‘En opnieuw heel veel bands die hun dankbaarheid uitspreken dat ze hier mogen spelen – ‘this is the best festival in the world’.’

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For Left of the Dial 2024 photos click here (please always use photo credits).

The Skinny 'Rotterdam’s Left of the Dial isn’t like other festivals. The organisers come at it with a unique vision, and the artists who make up its lineup are its beating heart . . . We had a truly magnificent time at Left of the Dial. It was refreshing, energising and eye-opening as to what a showcase festival can be.'
Clash Magazine 'Almost every act on the bill displays a progressive, genre-fluid sound and experiencing it in such concentrated doses, in a city as likewise forward-thinking as Rotterdam, is enough to remind you that alternative rock music still has myriad new and exciting corners left to explore.'
The Line of Best Fit 'In an industry of speed meetings and shmoozing, Rotterdam’s Left of the Dial is a showcase festival withs its priorities in check . . . Left of the Dial is a European showcase festival without the biz-baggage and fatigue of many of its peers, in turn affording them a refreshed sense of discovery and genuine fun.'
Beats Per Minute 'Throughout its steady growth, Left of the Dial has maintained its status as a remarkably artist friendly event . . . Even better is the sheer density of artists that bring something compelling and/or exciting to the table.'
Sound of Violence 'Perhaps the best emerging music festival in Europe'
Under the Radar Mag 'Left of the Dial lives up to its leftfield reputation, summarising Rotterdam’s bold spirit and providing a seemingly endless roster of essential artists you need to know. By placing the emphasis on a constant stream of next-gen names bound for big things rather than relying on major names or obvious headlines, revellers can enjoy a non-stop high-quality experience.'
WhyNow 'There’s buckets of fun and unconventional frolics to be had at Left of the Dial, but the onus is firmly on showcasing new alternative artists you need to know, or will be kicking yourself that you didn’t know sooner . . . Left of the Dial has rightly earned its place on the annual calendar due to its emphasis on exceptional new music.'
Tsugi 'Are you going to Left of the Dial? Oh! (laughs) We were invited twice, you’re going to have a blast!' Chalk’s bassist told us, while another member of the Irish band proudly showed off the festival’s t-shirt'
3voor12 'het is onbeperkt ontdekken in Rotterdam, ieder jaar weer'
Dansende Beren day 1, day 2, day 3 'Het stadsfestival gaat dit jaar zijn zesde editie in en groeide door de jaren heen uit tot het vaste adres voor iedereen die nieuwsgierig is naar nieuwe bands, maar zich evengoed wil vergapen aan gelauwerde nicheartiesten. De eerste festivaldag startte met veel energie en bood weer heel wat uiteenlopende snoepjes die in de smaak vielen.'
Add To Wantlist 'The programmers of Left of the Dial deserve all the praise for this year’s lineup, which caused us quite a bit of choice stress.'

Alvin Row TikTok interviews with artists.
Musikabend German radio show with a special on the festival
Boogaloo Radio London Radio show taking over Rotterdam's Operator Radio for Left of the Dial.

Konzerttagebuch - 'It's just fun to see bands on their first live steps. Many will make the jump to other festivals in 2025.'
Musiczine 'Het is duidelijk dat de organisatoren een goed oog en oor hebben voor opkomend talent.'
Luminous Dash 'Van 17 tot 19 oktober was Rotterdam opnieuw de zaligmakende verzamelplek voor de muzikale toekomst . . . een chaotisch maar onovertroffen showcasefestival met zowat 130 bands die 2, 3 of 4 keer zouden optreden gespreid over een 25-tal podia.'
Muziscene 'En opnieuw heel veel bands die hun dankbaarheid uitspreken dat ze hier mogen spelen – ‘this is the best festival in the world’.'

For press registrations please email:

Press & photos 2023

We’re incredibly happy and proud to read so many heartwarming stories from punters and artists, and reviews about Left of the Dial 2023. Here’s some press clippings about this year’s edition of the festival (click name to read full review):

Loud & Quiet – “Personal touches make the Rotterdam new music festival feel like one of Europe’s best.”
Crack Magazine “Wonderful festival . . . That’s Left of the Dial for you; unique, welcoming and gloriously on the pulse.”
Muziscene – “Left of the Dial was once again fantastic . . . for a day or three, the city feels like paradise” (translated)
de Volkskrant – “Left of the Dial is an essential festival for guitar music lovers . . . everyone who has played, tells colleague musicians about how special it is, and wants to return.” (translated)
Dansende Beren Day1Day2Day3 – “In just a few years, Left of the Dial has grow to be one of the best places to discover new bands.” (translated)
3voor12 – “At no other Dutch festival than Left of the Dial you’ll be able to discover as many cool, sensational, rough and smart guitar bands . . . Left of the Dial might be the most hospitable festival ever.” (translated)
NRC – “”This is the best festival ever, fuck Glastonbury!” the hyper enthusiastic singer called out.” (translated)
Beats Per Minute – “UK-based bands really really love Left Of The Dial. I mean, how could they not? Throughout this past weekend, I’ve heard from multiple artists gushing about how well the Rotterdam showcase festival has looked out for them: from the food to the logistics to the pay.” “. . .setting an important new paradigm for both burgeoning and established indoor festivals across Europe and the UK.”
God is in the TV Zine – “It’s quirky, imaginative, has an ethos of sustainability and a duty of care to both artists and gig-goers. Add to that its value for money and location in the heart of Rotterdam, and it’s easy to see why it sold out this year.”
Add to Want List – “It is telling that other attendees (and bloggers/media) followed a completely different program and also had a good time, which is one of the strengths of this very successful festival.”
Luminous Dash – “Left of the Dial consistently books artists in the early stages of their career but at a very high level. This level gets even higher with Rotterdam’s enthusiastic audiences.” (translated) – “Left Of The Dial, the most sympathetic of all showcase festivals, helps keep winter depression at bay.” (translated)
Backseat Mafia – “Every day is filled to the brim with artists worth checking out.”
Retratando Voces – “Another year my favorite festival took place in Rotterdam” (translated)

For Left of the Dial 2023 photos click here. Please notice: always use photographers credit.

Press & photos 2022

For Left of the Dial 2022 photos click here (please notice: always use photographers credit). And for press registrations please email:

Press & photos 2021

For Left of the Dial 2021 photos click here (please notice: always use photographers credit). And for press registrations please email:

Press & photos 2020

For Left of the Dial 2020 photos click here (please notice: always use photographers credit). And for press registrations please email:

Press & photos 2019

For Left of the Dial 2019 photos click here (please notice: always use photographers credit). And for press registrations please email: