Take a step back

Tulpa (UK)

"Fuzzed out and scuffed up pop songs with vocals that sounds like The Vaselines."

Tulpa are a UK alternative rock band based in Leeds, consisting of members Josie Kirk (vocals/bass), Daniel Hyndman (guitar), Nicholas Grant (guitar) Mike Ainsley (Drums). 

The band are an archetypal indie rock outfit blending noisy guitar textures with sweet melodic vocals to make something simultaneously raw and accessible. Tulpa creates pop songs with a sense of fun and genuine experimentation that could strike a chord with guitar geeks or just fans of a genuine earworm. Their debut EP ‘Dismantler EP’ is composed of 6 short songs that draw influence from Breeders, Stereolab, MBV and other classic guitar bands while swerving pastiche or imitation. The band centres around the partnership of Hyndman and Kirk, the former laying down the sonic textures and the latter supplying the softly sung and hypnotic vocals.

Bio is coming soon

Tulpa (UK) is:

Looking for more shows before/after Left of the Dial in Europe

Available for press/radio/other interviews

Will be in the Merch Store to meet YOU on mailto:Wearetulpa@gmail.com

THURSDAY | V11 | 20.30 - 21.10

FRIDAY | WORM 2 | 19.10 - 19.50

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