Take a step back

Purrses (BE)

"Naive cynicism leading to arty rock shuffle with pop accents"

Arty rock shuffle and pop accents mixed in a songwriting that portray a certain naive cynicism. Brussels-based Purrses was born at the start of the lockdown, as a live band. Laura, who composes and writes the lyrics, is originally from Marseille and assembled a band with Arno De Bock (drums), Michiel De Maeseneer (keys), Gildas Bouchaud (bass) and Anatole Damiens (lead guitar).  Laura is currently writing the debut album, so we can expect a release in 2024. Cooperation with JauneOrange who’s working on shows in territory Wallonie-Bruxelles/Luxembourg/France.

Bio provided by artist:
Arty rock shuffle and pop accents mixed in a songwriting that portray a certain naive cynicism. Brussels-based Purrses was born at the start of the lockdown, as a live band. Laura, who composes and writes the lyrics, is originally from Marseille and assembled a band with Arno De Bock (drums), Michiel De Maeseneer (keys), Gildas Bouchaud (bass) and Anatole Damiens (lead guitar).  Laura is currently writing the debut album, so we can expect a release in 2024. Cooperation with JauneOrange who's working on shows in territory Wallonie-Bruxelles/Luxembourg/France.

Purrses (BE) is:

Available for shows at The Official Unofficial

Looking for more shows before/after Left of the Dial in Europe

Available for press/radio/other interviews

THURSDAY | SALSABILITY | 23.00 - 23.40

FRIDAY | WORM 1 | 16.30 - 17.10

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